
Our Canoes

Paddlers are encouraged to know the names and the style of our canoes, and where each one stays when out of the water.


    LCC’s two Koa canoes are not used for practice. They are our premier regatta racing canoes, often used in the Koa division in long distance races. They are stored in the Long House.

    • MOKULUA – Built in 1963 by George Perry and named for the Mokulua islands offshore of Lanikai, the Mokulua was refurbished in 1972 by Phillip Naone, and again to OHCRA specs in 1992 by Paul Gay with assistance from the LCC upper division men.  That year, the club won the Waimanalo Regatta 1992 with the Mokulua, and the Open Men won their first legitimate senior race in decades.  In 2018, Kalani Irvine completed its most recent refurbishment, correcting spec errors.
    • HOKULELE– Built in 1966 by George Perry for Cliff Weaver, and named for Cliff’s daughter Heather “Starr” Weaver. The Hokulele was raced in for one season by the Lanikai kids and then hung in the original Barefoot Bar at the Queen’s Surf till it was torn down. It was loaned to LCC in 1970 until it was donated in 1972. It was refurbished in 1981 by Philip Naone of Waianae, and by Paul Gay in 1999/2002. The canoe’s first race as refurbished was the Kailua Regatta 2003.  Before the 2007 regatta season it was completely overhauled by Brent Bixler in collaboration with Allan Dowsett, Kalani Irvine, John Foti and others. She now has a unique ama and back manu hope, which reflects the fishing canoe heritage as Brent carved a fishhook into the manu.

  • BRADLEY –  Canoes designed and built by Sonny Bradley. Identifiable by their more rounded manu.

    • IKAIKA – ’strong, powerful, sturdy,’ with Bradley Lightning hull. Canoe named after one of LCC’s malia molds, purchased in 2013.
    • KEOKI – ‘George’. Named after one of LCC’s malia molds. Canoe has Bradley Lightning hull. purchased in 2013.
    • MOKU IKI – the smaller of the two Mokulua Islands. Canoe with Bradley Lightning hull, purchased in 2017.
    • HE MAKANA ‘AWIWI – ‘the gift of speed’. Bradley Lightning hull; Purchased in 2019, named after one of Lanikai Canoe Club’s first Hawaiian Class Racers. The original He Makana ‘Awiwi was one of the first 10 Hawaiian Class Racers made; purchased in 1981 and named by Lani Kalama. She was our premier racing canoe for years.
    • KĀ‘ŌLELO PAʻA – ‘the promise’ – purchased in 1993 in California by Colin Perry and Karel Tresnak and sold to the club. Refurbished in 1994 and renamed by Mauliola Olds Aspelund, in honor of George Perry, who died the same day the her name was given. She is one of our premier fiberglass racing canoes and the canoe in which our upper division men won the Molokai Hoe Race in 1995 and 1996.
    • WAILEA – ‘water of Lea’ (goddess of canoe makers) – named for the point on the Waimanalo side of Lanikai – purchased in 1996. Named by Michael Smith
    • MAHOAHOA – ‘to travel as companions and friends (in many canoes)’ named in honor of George “Toby” Mahoahoa Medieros, who was very instrumental in the masters 50+, 55+, 60+ programs. Purchased in 2006-07 by the LCC’s masters paddlers.
    • POHĀKŌʻELEʻELE – ‘to burst forth like a crack of thunder’ – purchased in 2010. Named by Mauliola Olds Aspelund.
    • MOKU NUI OLA HOU – purchased in August 2012, named by Leimomi Kekina Dierks.
    • KAPUAIWA – purchased in August 2020, named by Kaʻai Bruhn. 
  • MIRAGE – Canoes designed and built by Karel Tresnek, Sr.

    • KAMEHANAOKALA – ‘the warmth of the sun‘ – purchased in 2000. Named by Kahuna Pule RMK Freitas.
    • KUALIʻI – ‘Royal Ku’, reflects being born into the highest natural chiefly rank; named to honor our families’ ancestor the great King Kuali’i, who was born at Kalapawai in Ko’olaupoko and dedicated at the Alala fishing shrine and natural heiau. Purchased in 2001, Named by Ali’i Napoleon.
    • HUIHUIAKOLEA – ‘to gather together like a flock of Kolea birds (or to help one another in a time of trouble)’. Purchased in 2003. Named by Kahuna Pule RMK Freitas.
    • POINAʻOLEWAIWAI – ‘remember me’ – named in honor of Willis Rich, active LCC member and grandfather of the Dolan boys. Purchased in 2007. Named by Kahuna Pule RMK Freitas.
    • NALEHUAOLANIKAI – ‘the flowers of Lanikai’ – Purchased in 2008. Named by Mauliola Olds Aspelund.
  • FORCE FIVE – designed and built by Walter Guild. The Force Five canoes can be identified by a notch in the back manu hope. They are between 40 and 45 feet long.

    • KAI ʻOLENA – ‘the water of purification’ (Olena is a tumeric or type of ginger used for religious and medical purposes, and as a dye for kapa)– purchased in 1997. Named by Kahuna Pule RMK Freitas.
    • E’Ō LILIʻU – ‘Yes, here I am Lili’u’, named in honor of Queen Lili’uokalani – won by Lanikai’s men at the 1996 Queen Lili’uokalani Race hosted by Kai Opua Canoe Club of Kona. Named by Mauliola Olds Aspelund.
    • POHAIKEALOHA – ‘circle of love’, formerly owned, and named, by Harvest Keala and loaned to Lanikai since the early 1990’s, now owned by Lanikai. Pohaikealoha has won many Molokaʻi to Oahu Canoe races with Australia’s top teams paddling her.
  • UNLIMITED CLASS – These canoes are built with carbon fiber, with foam cores and quick rig ʻiako, these canoes are not subject to the weight and design restrictions for contemporary Hawaiian Canoe Racing Association sponsored races. 

    • KAʻIWAKILOUMOKU – This is a Malolo waʻa, designed by John Puakea and purchased in August 2021. Named by Dani Gay and Kaʻai Bruhn
    • TERE ʻOIʻOI I TE MOANA– This is a Matahina vaʻa, designed by ARE Tahiti and purchased in August 2021. Named by Lapule Schultz. These V6 canoes are used in world sprints.

    • TAHITIAN – designed and built in Tahiti
    • HINA HEI – ‘Hinaʻs Lei’ – Hina is one of the most well known goddess of Polynesia. Among other things, her better-known connections are to the moon, Kamapuaʻa, the god Kū, and to Wākea (the ancestor of all Hawaiians). Hina is the mother of the island of Molokai.

The outrigger canoe has been central to the development of Hawaiian culture. So important was the canoe that the building of a new canoe was a significant event involving most of the members of a village: priests, craftsmen, laborers, helpers. From choosing the right tree to launching the new canoe, each step in the process had to be done correctly with the proper ritual and respect to preserve the life of the tree in the canoe and create a canoe that would, in turn, sustain the lives of those who used it.

In Hawaiian tradition each canoe is a living entity, with its own spiritual power or mana. We entrust our lives to our canoes and we treat them with respect.

The open-ocean conditions surrounding our islands led to the development of an outrigger canoe different from those of other Pacific islanders. The Hawaiian outrigger is relatively unadorned, with fore and aft hull covers (kupe) and a splashguard (pale kai) to cope with ocean waves and chop.

Although outriggers now are raced throughout Polynesia, outrigger canoe racing, ancient and modern, seems to have originated in Hawai‘i. There are records of ancient Hawaiians racing for fun and for wagers, sometimes including life.

Today’s HCRA-approved racing canoes are standardized in length and weight to allow both an observance of tradition and a level playing field. To race in HCRA-sanctioned events, including events sanctioned by our association, Oahu Hawaiian Canoe Racing Association, canoes must weigh a minimum of 400 pounds without ‘iako, ama, or seat covers, and can be no longer than 45 feet. While most associations in the Islands, including ours, allow clubs to race fiberglass canoes, at the annual Hawai‘i state championship regatta all crews must race in koa canoes.


The diagram shows the Hawaiian names of most parts of the canoe. We use both Hawaiian and English terms, but you should be familiar with the Hawaiian nomenclature. ~ From Lōkahi Canoe Club

Hōʻihi: How can I respect others?2021-12-27T15:40:32-10:00

Whether you are picking up or dropping off paddlers, or moving canoes to and from the water, we ask you to always be mindful of residents, beach goers, and community members. Try to reduce noise, pick-up rubbish, politely notify beach goers when moving canoes, and always be respectful of our equipment and the people around you.

How do I report damage to a canoe?2021-12-27T15:31:26-10:00

To report canoe damage email Carson Perry

Are Canoes available for funerals or community events?2021-12-27T15:48:36-10:00

You must apply in advance if you wish to be approved to use a LCC canoe for a funeral or other community service.  The President of LCC or their designee will review your request, and you’ll have to meet these requirements.  There are no exceptions.

  1. At least 2 LCC paddlers must be in the canoe.
  2. An experienced steers person must be used.
  3. All paddlers must submit a completed, signed waiver.
  4. Canoes must stay inside the reef of Lanikai between Wailea Point and Popoi’a Island.
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